The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82933   Message #1521881
Posted By: GUEST,Giok
14-Jul-05 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
Subject: RE: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
If schools were allowed to discipline pupils effectively, and pupils were kept in school until such times as they could read write count and communicate verbally in a coherent fashion, then we would stop providing the fuel that feeds the smouldering heap of dung that is in the corner of many of today's council estates. The schools turn out too large a percentage of sociopaths who know their rights but not their responsibilities. Parents too have their input to this sorry mess, and should be made legally responsible for their children's actions until such time as said child reaches the age of majority. This so called minority is increasing, and the streets in some areas appear to be full of 13 and 14 year old kids with the word fuck as the major part of their vocabulary, who when asked to behave or desist from destroying other peoples property, tell you they can do what they like as at their age neither you nor anybody else can touch them. As long as the idols of today's kids are no brainers with a modicum of talent for football, singing {sic}, or some other such accident of time and place, there will be no respect for education or erudition, and therefore no incentive to learn at school.
It is unfair however to typify all housing estates in this fashion, or in so doing to imply that all hooligans come from these estates, which is what Estate Dweller appears to do.