The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82753   Message #1522012
Posted By: dianavan
14-Jul-05 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: Explosions in London
Subject: RE: Explosions in London
heric - Please don't pick your nose in public when you are in Canada or the U.S., either. Its unbecoming and beneath your dignity :>)

But yes, it does make you wonder how they were able to isolate the perpetrators so quickly. What I can't understand is why these guys were carrying I.D.? They claim to have found their I.D. What???

From all the reports, these guys seemed to have no politics. They seemed to be like the guy next door. Could it be that they thought perhaps they were transporting something else? Could it be that they didn't know what was in the packs? Could it be that they were just pack mules looking to earn some quick money? The mind reels.