The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16371   Message #152221
Posted By: Mbo
20-Dec-99 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: Alone at the Millenium
Subject: RE: Alone at the Millenium
How convenient, Bonnie, I just baked a batch. Ed, would you accept a cyber-cookie? As for my little idiocy above, I actually ripped the whole thing off from another 'Catter, that how the millennium is such a big deal with everyone, and if you remove one letter (intentionally or no) it becomes something slightly amusing...there was no intention of insulting anyones spelling in any way...I'm sorry if it sounded like a personal stab...If you'll be on Mudcat on New Year's Eve, I'll be here, if you can bear to forgive me...
