The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82933   Message #1522707
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
16-Jul-05 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
Subject: RE: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
If anyone want's to see the 'Estate scum' refered to go back to this thread.


Incidentaly, I was brought up in a terraced 'estate' in the 50's. Moved to various council estates until I wed in the 70's. Moved to a small row. Then to the edge of another estate. Then to a main road with no community. Hated it. Back in the midst of one of the biggest estates in Salford now (Claremont). Everything between 2 up 2 down rented to half million pound houses on our 'estate'. I love it.
