The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79071   Message #1522929
Posted By: DonMeixner
17-Jul-05 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: Review: Celtic Women on PBS
Subject: RE: Review: Celtic Women on PBS

I don't sing like that because I can't. I sing like me. I sing like I do on four separate CDs. One CD is produced by the people on board to promote the history of the Erie Canal and to raise money for the small museums and libraries along the old canal bed. Every cent produced by me on that CD goes to the support of the canal and it's history.

I have also produced support for traditional American and British Isles music in Central New York for the last 30 years. A good third of m performances are benefits or out right donations to museums, living history sites, and institutions like Mudcat.

The heaviest metal I play is an old Ode Long Neck 5 which is mostly unsuited for Metalica or White Zombie.

I produce silver jewelry that makes for me a nice suplimental income.
But of the jewelry I produce and sell annually better than 15% is given away in donations for causes such as The Mudcat, Cystic Fibrosis research, local churches of any denomination, libraries, and fundraisers for people in need of help.

Don't presume to think that because I and several others don't care for this particular piece of video are unproductive drones.
The amount of people who in this forum who have donated craft work, personal property, and money in the effort to keep it going is difficult to measure. But like me they all give their fair share and more of their non-productivity. And that gives us all the right to have an opinion.
