The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82933   Message #1523154
Posted By: dianavan
17-Jul-05 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
Subject: RE: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
Giok - It doesn't sound too different than B.C.

Federal Govt. sends a sum of money to the Province.

Curriculum and the School Act is set by the Provincial Government and teachers bargaining rights are legislated by the Province. The Province then sends money to the local school boards which are comprised of locally elected trustees.

The trustees must then decide priorities based on the money they have been given and distribute it to the schools. Each trustee is assigned several schools. Parents who are dissatisfied, can contact their trustee.

Parents are invited to participate in their schools Parent Advisory Committee and together with teachers and administrators, annual goals are established.

And then, of course, there are the various unions and professional bodies (certification and conduct.)

Is it any wonder that hardly any money trickles down to the student?

There is political conflict all along the way. Students and teachers bear the brunt of the squabbles.

In addition, parents are encourage to be fundraisers to make up for the shortfall in govt money (taxes). This results in inequality as parents from more affluent neighborhoods are more capable of donating to student fundraisers.

Luckily, we have a very good school board (trustees) at the present moment. Unluckily, we have a Provincial government that thinks that privatization is the answer. They also have no respect for teachers. I don't know the answer but I am retiring in a couple of years and I'm actually considering running for trustee. At least I will be able to give an educational rationale for my decisions.