The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52618   Message #1523461
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
18-Jul-05 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: Jingles you remember.
Subject: RE: Jingles you remember.
I bet I can go back to one that none of you can remember- it was always sung to introduce the, "Little Orphan Annie" show in the-1930s?
Ma K might recall it:

Who's the little chatterbox?
The one with curly auburn locks?
Who can it be" It's Little Orphan Annie!
Bright eyes, cheeks a rosy glow-
Here's a store of healthiness handy;
Mite-size, alway on the go- if you want to know,
ARF! says Sandy
Always wears a sunny smile,
Oh, wouldn't it be worth your while
If you could be
Like Little Orphan Annie?

Not complete- there are three lines following the first three, that I haven't remembered yet, but shall eventually...   Such fun- Jean