The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83024   Message #1523933
Posted By: Azizi
19-Jul-05 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Blind Blake (Bahamas) CDs???
Subject: RE: Blind Blake CDs???
Thanks, Abby.

You made me feel slightly better about my mixing those the two Blind Blakes up. But I really goofed by putting Blind Lemon Jefferson in the mix too.

I mean it's bad [good?} enough that there were two Blind Blakes.But then I went and created a Blind Lemon Blake...

Maybe my punishment should be that I have to listen for an hour to music I can't stand-like really really bad polka or really really bad country/western or really really bad rap.

Please no! I don't wanna listen to any polka-country/western-rap!

I promise I'll be good. I promise I'll be more careful. I'll even use the preview feature.....

at least some of the time.