The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83050   Message #1524245
Posted By: bfdk
20-Jul-05 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh Dear, failure is not an option
Subject: RE: BS: Oh Dear, failure is not an option
So, the bloke I was dead keen on at 20 but never scored was not a failure, but a "deferred success"..? I sincerely hope the success isn't imminently pending, as I've by now forgotten more or less all about him except the fact that he existed, so the success may well be deferred indefinitely where I'm concerned ;-))

Anyway, in Denmark we have a concept called "the curling generation" referring to the kids whose doting and protective parents run ahead of them and "sweep the field" so as to remove any obstacle from their paths. For my part, I don't think this is healthy, as learning to handle minor failures will prepare you for handling major ones, should you be unlucky enough to encounter any - and most of us do at some stage or other during life.

I don't know, but to me the things I achieved on my own stand out much brighter than anything that was ever handed to me on a platter. If we keep protecting kids to the extent indicated here, we also bar them from fighting the battles on their own - and experiencing the thrill of succeeding.

Just my two pennies' worth.

Best wishes,
