The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82933   Message #1524387
Posted By: GUEST,I live on an Estate
20-Jul-05 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
Subject: RE: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
So what is the answer to the estate problem? it is ok saying drag them all down as they are a product of a social experiment gone wrong, but you can't surely put these people anywhere!

You put these people into decent schools, they will likely cause upset for others, you put these families into decent areas, they will cause decrease in house prices and cause increase in crime and other social hazards.

I know these are uncomfortable truths, and i am not saying it is all their fault for them been they way they are, so what is the answer? You increase funding for their schools? They burn them down anyway! You give them better nutritious food at schools? They simply go to the local takeaway and get chips! You give the parents food vouchers for better foods, then there is no incentive for those parents to go out and work for their food, whilst the rest of us work hard to eat and live. It seems no matter what you give them 'people', they destroy!

So...what is the answer?