The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74806   Message #1524812
Posted By: Kaleea
20-Jul-05 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Dangerously Wrong on Nuclear Non-Prolifer
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Dangerously Wrong on Nuclear Non-Prolifer
Try going to your local newspaper & do some research on all the countries which have detonated nuclear warheads. Go ahead, I double dog dare you. Go back at least 35 years. You will find, that there will be a teenie, tiny maybe one inch (including title of article) sentence or two in the back of one of the back sections saying that USSRnowRussia/Georgia/et. al., France, China, North Korea, Pakistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Libbya (just to name a few), or whoever detonated a nuclear warhead at such place on such date. Now, do some addition. Where did all that plutonium come from?

China makes most of our products now. Jobs have been shipped over there for years. And India, & wherever. Everytime my SBC DSL goes on the blink, I call the toll free number & get somebody in India. No, I'm not kidding. The factories where all our parts, components, etc. come from know all about our stuff. Stuff like electronics. Parts for TVs, computers, Jets, weapons, & lots more stuff--really techie stuff. Like the radios & computer parts for the weaponry & communication equipment & most all vehicles which our Military personnel uses in Iraq & Afghanistan. The personnel which actually has the correct equipment, that is. Some of which was purchased from wallyworld, radioshack & the like by the families of the said personnel & mailed over to them, "over there."   Ok, a lot of the stuff. If they're making our stuff, they know most all of our "secrets." Duh. We just love to share with all of our allies we "trade" with. We give them our jobs, our money, and we get--stuff.

Oh, I almost forgot--the American company that makes the bullet proof vests said the vests might degrade over time. Oh, and they might fail to function correctly even if new.
Where did they get the stuff the vests are made with?