The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1525537
Posted By: MMario
22-Jul-05 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK..............?
Ask yourself - is it worth the risk of upsetting the owner of the site by nitpicking editorial changes that NO ONE OTHER THEN YOURSELF has complained about -

or if they have - have done it by the requested method - privately to the designated persons.

For someone who professes to be concerned about politiness and good manners you exhibit a decided lack of both. repeatedly. frequently.

On the other hand multiple people have complained about ambigously titled threads that when opened prove to be specific to either the US or the UK.

furthermore - you have absolutely no proof that the title was "carefully chosen".

Nor are such changes "automatically imposed" - and as has been repeatedly mentioned - any such change is subject to review and can be corrected if necessary.

YOu are quick enough to complain and rail against personal judgement being made in editorial changes. Have you "looked in the mirror" lately? You are certainly attempting to force your own personal judgement on the management and general populace of this site.