The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83119   Message #1526663
Posted By: dianavan
23-Jul-05 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: spending big $, justified?
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
I can relate to Fostoria! My mother collects crystal and cut glass, too. Whenever I visit her, I look longingly into her china cabinet. She also has a few nice pieces of Bavarian china that her mother brought over from Denmark. I even have peonies my grandmother brought from Denmark and four generations of photographs. I often wonder how these things survived the family tragedies and the many moves.

I have my mother's hope chest and I am busy placing mementos into it for safe keeping. I know that when I first opened it, it was like a treasure chest of all the important events and memories of the women in my family. I plan to carry on the tradition. I hope someday to wrap and gently place the fostaria there for my daughter.

The other day my daughter pulled my old doll from the chest (Madame Alexander) and suggested I throw it out since she no longer had any hair. I told her that when I get my haircut, I will have a wig made for my old Maggie. I was kidding but it had the right effect - her eyes were popping out of her head and she looked very alarmed.

Anyway, I'm glad you got it. Its beautiful!