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Thread #16410   Message #152754
Posted By: Stewie
21-Dec-99 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Worried Blues (Frank Hutchison)
Subject: Lyr Add: WORRIED BLUES (Frank Hutchison)^^
The thread on Dylan's 'Worried Blues' reminded me of a fine blues of the same title by an excellent old-timey blues singer from West Virginia – Frank Hutchison. As with many of his blues, Frank got 'Worried Blues' from a disabled black singer-guitarist named Bill Hunt. Perhaps more than those of any other white singer-guitarist, Hutchison's recordings reflect the interraction that occurred between black and white musicians in West Virginia. This was the first of 2 recordings at Hutchison's debut session in New York on 28 September 1926 – the other was his more famous 'Train that carried my girl from town'. He recorded both songs again in St Louis on 29 April 1927.

The following is my transcription of the song. I believe it's pretty well correct except for third line of the penultimate verse. At first I thought it might be 'goodbye cruel world', but it's not that. Can someone supply the correct text for the line? The complete recorded works of Hutchison are available on the Document label. They are unreservedly recommended; he was a great and sadly neglected singer-guitarist.


I've got the worried blues, got no heart to cry
I've got the worried blues, got no heart to cry
If the blues don't kill me, boys I'll never die

Some people say the worried blues not bad
Some people say the worried blues not bad
They're the worst old things a man ever had

They'll make you b'lieve world is upside down
They'll make you b'lieve world is upside down
I've traveled this world, boys it's all around

When you got the blues, you can't eat nor sleep
When you got the blues, you can't eat nor sleep
[Spoken: What are you gonna do then?]
You walk around like a police on his beat

Dreamt last night, lyin' all back in bed
I dreamt last night, lyin' all back in the bed
I dreamt last night that the woman I love was dead

That woman I love she's done dead and gone
That woman I love she's done dead and gone
She left me here tryin' to sing my ragtime song
[Spoken: How do you know she's dead and gone?]

Went to the graveyard looked in a woman's face
I went to the graveyard looked in a woman's face
I love you honey, sure can't take your place

Take my chair to the river, boys, and I'll sit down
Take my chair to the river, boys, and I'll sit down
If the blues overtakes me, gonna rock overboard and drown

I woke up this morning, freight train on my mind
I woke up this morning, freight train on my mind
I b'lieve, old rounders, I had better hike down the line

Gonna leave this country, sure gonna leave it soon
Gonna leave this country, sure gonna leave it soon
And if I so (whirl ?) they sure gonna have my room

When I leave here, hang crepe on your door
When I leave here, just hang crepe on your door
I won't be dead, just won't be here no more

Source: Frank Hutchison 'Worried Blues' OK 45064. Recorded New York City 25 September 1926. Reissued on Frank Hutchison 'Complete Recorded Works Vol 1 1926-1929' Document DOCD-8003.