The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83207   Message #1527878
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
25-Jul-05 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Hi Max: Personal edit button?
Subject: RE: Hi Max: Personal edit button?
A five minute post-posting editing button would be helpful, for all those times that as I push the submit button I notice I've left a "not" out of a sentence, or jumbled the spelling.   I know that conscientious use of the preview helps with that, but not when I post without previewing. As it is not infreqently I find myself sending an immediate follow-up post modified to say what I actually meant to say, trusting that a clone will remove the first one.

I'd be against is being able to edit what I wrote the next morning though. That's the kind of thing politcians do with parliamentary records, and it's fundamentally dishonest. If we post something that we wish we hadn't posted, and left it there long enough for other to read and maybe respond to, we shouldn't try to clean up the record on the quiet, we should apologise openly.

And the best thing is never to post anything in hot anger. Let it lie fallow for a few hours - if we still feel like posting some kind of cutting remarks they will probably be a lot more effectively cutting if we've slept on it. But more than likely we'll decide not to.