The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83070   Message #1528181
Posted By: John Hardly
25-Jul-05 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
Subject: RE: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
That's not the cliche' to which I referred. The cliche' to which I refer is the notion that white males want to keep young women pregnant. All one has to do is look around their own experience and their own circle of aquaintances to realize that it is rarely the men that do not want abortions, It is rarely the (unmarried) men who want children.   

If anything, more abortions are performed at the behest of the man, not the woman. Men WANT abortions. Men WANT sex without commitment or consequence. Men don't want their daughter's lives "ruined". Rich Republican men want abortion on demand so their taxes aren't increased to pay for more welfare children, plus they ignore their wives. Democrat men want abortion because the the envision those poor children being born in poverty (whether or not they are), plus they listen to their wives *BG*.

Men want abortion on demand at least as much as women do. Maybe more. And women are just as active, maybe more active, in the "pro-life" movement.

I do think that, in answer to your worry, abortions will be legal for the duration. We just won't have to torture the Constitution to make it so. There will, no doubt, be battles over laws -- some even vehement in some states -- but illegal abortion? No way.