The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16404 Message #152825
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Dec-99 - 05:05 AM
Thread Name: Origins: My home's across the Blue Ridge Mountains
Folk Legacy will soon have a CD reissue out called Frank Proffitt of Reese, North Carolina. The album is #FSA-1, which means it's the first or one of the first albums Sandy and Caroline Paton issued, way back in 1962. Proffitt is the original source of "Tom Dula" (later changed to Dooley), and that's on the album. The album also has this gem:
I'M GOING BACK TO NORTH CAROLINA (traditional, as sung by Frank Proffitt)
I'm a-going back to North Carolina (3 times) And I never expect to see you any more.
How can I ever keep from crying (3 times) When I never expect to see you any more.
My home's across the Blue Ridge Mountain (3 times) I never expect to see you any more.
Yeah, I'm a-going back to North Carolina (3 times) I'm a-going back to North Carolina (3 times) I'm a-going back to North Carolina (3 times) And I never expect to see you any more.