The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83070   Message #1528594
Posted By: John Hardly
26-Jul-05 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
Subject: RE: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
But I doubt that it will be made illegal. And it especially will never be illegal for the rape victim. And it will especially never be illegal when the health of the mother is concerned.

Even if all of the above was at one time illegal, the country has more than moved on.   

I'm not saying that there isn't a vocal minority that will push to make abortion illegal again. They just won't win.

And there are extremists who would push for illegality even in rape and health-of-the-mother cases. They especially won't win -- and they will (as ever) be one of the reasons that more moderate limitations on abortion won't be passed (it will be demogogued, and the moderate will be too easily tied to the extremist's cement shoes and thrown in the river, as always).

We have lived with the convenience of abortion for too long to go back. There is no collective will to go back.

The cliche', Don, that it is a punishment for the sin of extramarital sex, in my intimate knowledge of a huge number in the pro-life movement (my mother was, and sister is active in the movement, supporting and volunteering in crisis pregnancy centers -- financially supporting anyone who wishes to carry an "unwanted" child to term), has NEVER been the issue. Nobody that I know considers pregnancy a punishment for sin.

There is a huge and meaningful difference between "punishment for sin" and acknowledgement that there are consequences for actions. There need be no "religious" element in trying to get society to accept that there are NATURAL consequences to actions. Education to accept natural consequences is often the first, best step toward improving a situation. We currently operate under the mistaken notion that consequences can be removed without further consequences. It isn't God, or religion, or judgemental people that cause consequences. It's nature.