The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16404   Message #152878
Posted By: Dale Rose
22-Dec-99 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Origins: My home's across the Blue Ridge Mountains
Subject: RE: My Home's Across the Blue Ridge Mountains
Don't know why I didn't think to check Jane Keefer's excellent Folk Music Index. Here are the recordings listed

My Home's Across the Blue Ridge/Smokey Mountains - Carter, A. P./Ashley, Thomas

1.Carolina Tar Heels. Old-Time Music at Clarence Ashley's, Part 2, Folkways FA 2359, LP (196?), cut# 8
2.Carolina Tar Heels. Carolina Tar Heels, Old Homestead OHCS 113, LP (1978), cut# 14
3.Carter Family. Grass Roots Harmony, Oak, Bk (1968), p.40
4.Eller, Lawrence. Folk Visions & Voices. Traditional Music & Song in North Georgia, University of Georgia, Bk (1983), p 11 (My Home's in Charlotte North Carolina)
5.MacNeil, Madeline. Madeline MacNeil Sings Patchwork, Skyline DD-103, LP (197?), cut# 12
6.Poplin Family. Poplin Family of Sumter, South Carolina, Folkways FA 2306, LP (1963), cut#B.12 (My Home Is Not in South Carolina)
7.Proffitt, Frank. Traditional Music at Newport, 1964, Part 2, Vanguard VSD 79183, LP (1965), cut#A.10
8.Proffitt, Frank. Frank Proffitt of Reese, North Carolina, Folk Legacy FSA-001, Cas (1962), cut#A.09 (I'm Going Back to North Carolina)
9.Richardson, Larry; & Red Barker & the Blue Ridge B. Blue Ridge Bluegrass, County 702, LP, cut# 12
10.Scott and Stanley. Hard Times in the Country, Talkeetna TR 100, LP (1974), cut#A.01
11.Scragg Family. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out, Sonyatone ST-1001, LP (197?), cut# 4
12.Smith, Peggy Donaldson. Shady Grove, Shady Grove PDS 11-30-78, LP (1978), cut#A.05
13.Traum, Happy. Bright Morning Star, Greenhays GR 703, LP (1980), cut#B.04
14.Watson, Doc; Clint Howard and Fred Price. Old Timey Concert, Vanguard 107/8, Cas (1987), cut#A.08
The reference to A P Carter jogs my "memory" also, but at the moment, I can't locate that version, either.