The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83070   Message #1529096
Posted By: John Hardly
27-Jul-05 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
Subject: RE: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
Harpgirl, what could I possibly say that would sound "intelligent" to you, short of agreeing with you? *BG*

The issue of male responsibility is an important issue, and one I addressed tangentially when I expressed the view that men WANT abortions. One of the many reasons men WANT abortions is that, as I said, they want sex without responsibility. That means they want sex without fear of paternity suit.

A couple hundred dollars for an abortion (wherein the woman suffers the trauma of the procedure, as well as the intimate knowledge of the totality of the horror of the act) is a preferrable "out" to that kind of man -- a man who would rather pay a few hundred early than pay child support for 20 years.

Doesn't say much about men. But there you have it. Men WANT abortion to remain legal. Men don't want to "control" women by keeping them pregnant -- it costs too much.

Honestly, of the people you know, is it really the men who can't wait to have babies? Really?

I know men want sex. Lots of it. As much as they can get. But babies? Really?

And I could not be MORE for making men responsible in any way possible -- for both the act of sex and for any consequntial child produced.

In fact, I would be for making rape a capital offence (with the added benefit of short-cutting through the BS of what to do with pedophiles -- rape would cover any sexual assault). The only exception I might make would be if there was any possibility of leaving it up to a raped woman if she would rather have a rapist as an indentured servant, having his wages apportioned to her for life.

And when it's not rape, but rather, consentual sex, I believe in pateral support. In fact, if the father is a minor, I would be for confiscation of HIS parent's wages to support the pregnancy and child. That just might make boys behave more responsibly if there was no escape from the financial responsibility.

I am not "soft" on male responsibility. I merely face the reality -- a reality imposed by nature, not by man -- that it will forever be the woman who bears the burden of childbirth.

But it isn't about a woman's choice about what to "do with her body". That ship sailed when she participated, willingly, in the act that nature dictated creates the possibility of a child. Sex is great fun but it is not guaranteed to be without consequence. When there is a consequence -- pregnancy -- it is no longer the woman's body alone. At the point of pregnancy there is a third person -- a child.