The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83070   Message #1529294
Posted By: harpgirl
27-Jul-05 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
Subject: RE: BS: Cool! a conservative white man nominated
For starters John, this is wrong:At the point of pregnancy there is a third person -- a child. At the point of pregnancy you have a blastocyst. Nothing more.

And I could not be MORE for making men responsible in any way possible -- for both the act of sex and for any consequntial child produced.

So what are you doing to make this a reality? Anything at all?

In fact, I would be for making rape a capital offence (with the added benefit of short-cutting through the BS of what to do with pedophiles -- rape would cover any sexual assault). The only exception I might make would be if there was any possibility of leaving it up to a raped woman if she would rather have a rapist as an indentured servant, having his wages apportioned to her for life.

This ia a start, John.

You start to lose me at this point, John:

I would be for confiscation of HIS parent's wages to support the pregnancy and child. That just might make boys behave more responsibly if there was no escape from the financial responsibility.

Like, this is going to make a teenage boy keep his johnson in his pants.

How about paternity tests for all children as requested by the mother, and mandatory support of the MOTHER AND THE CHILD for eighteen years? Kind of makes ya squirm huh, John? To have all that responsibility. But we women have it without any guaranteed support for parenting. That's so fair.

You still strike me as a man who will not step up to the plate and offer a solution that makes men and women equally responsible for the children they bring into the world.

But keep trying. I can see your are thinking more about this important issue.

On a more personal note:

My son's father is a stock broker. Because I went to court at my own expense, I got 150 dollars a month to raise my son for the first ten years. When I returned to court at my own expense, I got $270 a month until the day he graduated from high school. Since that time I received nothing at all. I'm not bitter, just very, very good at and focused on giving my son what he deserves from two parents in this world. I have made sacrifices to provide him with a college education and help him negotiate the world. Someone had to. I would have been a better parent though, if his father had done his fair share.

Until men are made to carry their fair share, abortion should be legal, free, and on demand.