The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16297   Message #152967
Posted By: catspaw49
22-Dec-99 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: My theory
Subject: RE: BS: My theory
Now don't be rude Seed......maybe there's a part for him in the movie........say the maybe the guy who takes care of the camels..................

SEED: What are you doing Garg?
GARG: Getting this camel ready for 14 days in the desert.
SEED: Well I see it drinking, but what are you doing behind it?
GARG: I just told you.
SEED: Uh, yeah....
SPAW: So what's with the bricks

(Gargoyle takes a brick in each hand and with a wide swing of both arms, smashes the camel's balls between the two bricks. The camel sucks up a trough of water in 2 seconds with a loud whooshing/sucking sound)

SEED: Holy Shit!!!!!!!! SPAW: (Holding his own nuts and wincing in empathy)GEEZIZ KEERICED!!!
SEED: Damn, I don't believe it.......
SPAW: Fockin' A ..... Doesn't that hurt?
GARG: Not if you keep your thumbs out of the way.
SPAW: Let me try that. (takes bricks) Bend over Garg.

********* ********FFWWOOPPPP********* *******

SPAW: Hey he's right!!!! Doesn't hurt a bit.

Spaw Spielberg