The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77866   Message #1529717
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
27-Jul-05 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Sir jOhn OK or is he ill?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Sir jOhn OK or is he ill?
My honourable frend is right, the oss i tipped was Echelon, it stormed home, and won by 4 lengths, [see race report at]. I would of texted Mr Skijack my tip for the King George n Queen Elixabeth steaks, but i was skint an run out of phone credit! [it won].
anyway i texted skipack8 like he said, and tell him i reckon this orse will win, but he was in a meeting or summat, so he says, 2 can you stick a ton on for me2, i says yes, i owe him so money anyway, but paying back tomorrer, plus his winnings.

he told me one day, he likes to bet on horses, so i gave him loads of tips, [waht orse will win etc], and they all won, but he never betted on them, exept 1 called Kicking King, [and now another1], and they all one. he didnt bet becase of busy in meetings, [i not sure waht job he does, but he has to go to meetings], [i think he sells animal fat or summat, not sure really].

and reason i dont go on mudcat much now= too many moany basterds, [like shambles etc], mudcat used to be really nice and funny etc, but now i think is just moany people, [moany people and racists people etc].