The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77866   Message #1529748
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
27-Jul-05 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Sir jOhn OK or is he ill?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Sir jOhn OK or is he ill?
heloo straw legend-waht you doing up now.are you at work?
i sent you a tex message and you dident anser, did yoiu run out of pone credit?
i just been to see Emma Rugg, she was really nice, and looking really nice, in a black dress, you should of gone, it was really nice.

not sure if was you or your musical mate that i texted, one of you rung me up one day, and i stored the number as "harry wahts band bloke", so maybe it was him?
not sure really.
anyway=i dident stop long in quenns gardens last week, becase of falling asleep, really nackered, as just worked 12 hours, and i thought="if i fall asleep on park bench they [police etc] will think i;m a tramp, so i went home.
i always try to go to your jigs, but that day i was to nackered to stay.