The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83273   Message #1529771
Posted By: gnu
27-Jul-05 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
Subject: RE: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
But, if any Canucks want to send a dollar, send a dollar... don't be worried about the exchange rate. Just send that dollar and let Max worry about what it's worth when it gets there... he's used to being on the short end of the stick.

Imagine... every 'Cat sends a buck, or Canuck buck, or Euro buck, or whatever buck... just one buck... f***.... that's a lot of bucks. At least, it's more bucks than have been getting there lately.

C'mon bucky... time for all good 'Cats to come to the aid of the party.

I AM serious. Hey... it's a BUCK!!!! It IS important. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be reading this, would you?

The buck stops here... with YOU!!!