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Thread #80535   Message #1529905
Posted By: ejsant
28-Jul-05 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
And published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapters 8, 9, and 10

Sorry for the delay!

Chapter 8 – Life in America

Title - First Line

The Glorious and Free United States of America        "Come all you loyal Irishman,"

Song of Liberty        "Ye sons of Columbus, from Ireland I came,"

A Mich-Admired Song Called "Stars and Stripes"        "Old Erin's soil has oft been praised, by Bards both young and old,"

Swate Castle Garden        "When I landed at Swate Castle Garden,"

I'm Very Happy Where I am        "I'm very happy where I am"

Nothing Too Good For The Irish        "I will tell a story that was told to me,"

Muldoon, The Solid Man        "I am a man of great influence and educated to a high degree,"

Patsy Brannigan        "My son is a great politician,"

When McGuiness Gets a Job        "Last Winter was a hard one, Mrs. Riley did you say"

Encyclopedia McFlinn        "I am posted on matters perplexing,"

Since Casey Runs The Flat        "We got a brand new janitor, and Casey is his name,"

The Honest Irish Lad        "My name is Tim McNair; I'm from the County Clare"

The Happy Shamrock Shore        "It was in our native country, we might haved lived well,"

The Irish Emigrants Lament        "Och! While I live I'll never forget"

The Emigrant's Letter to His Mother        "Dear Mother, I take up my pen to write you these few lines,"

Mother's Letter to Her Son – Answer to The Emigrant's Letter        "Dear Son I got your letter"

Wide Awake Yankee Doodle        "Come Uncle Sam, be 'Wide Awake,'"

Wide Awake Jordan        Oh! the wide awakes and white hats, am getting all the go,"

Jordan is a Hard Road to Travel        "I am going to sing a song, and funny it will be,"

The Twelfth of July        "Come all you gallant Irishmen who love your church and creed,"

The "Lawrence City Riots," Massachusetts,U. S., July Twelfth, 1875        "Ye Orange Muses grand, your assistance I command,"

The New Lights of America        "Come all ye that lived in Ireland, I hope you will draw near,"

Paddy and the Know-Nothings        "A few years ago I came out of this country"

Paddy's Fight With the Know-Nothings        "Paddy, mavoureen, ye have but one eye,"

Paddy's Lament        "Och Home! and alas! for the sons of ould Erin,"

The Battle of Philadelphia        "Come all you Roman Catholics that's from your native home,"

Philadelphia Riots        "Oh in Philadelphia folks say how"

De Southwark Rebolution        "All white folks hab dar say an' cry,"

Irish Labourer        "I am an Irish Labourer, both hearty, stout, and strong,"

No Irish Need Apply        "I'm a dacint boy just landed from the town of Ballyfad;"

No Irish Need Apply        "Oh 'twas yesterday that I was led on such a wild goose chase,"

What Irish Boys Can Do. Answer to No Irish Need Apply         "They insult an Irishman and think naught of what they say,"

What Irishman Have Done        "Ye gallant sons of Erin's Isle, come listen to my lay,"

The Fenian Man O'War        "Down by the Boston Corner I carelessly did stray,"

Tab Scott        "One morning as I went walking down Clarence Dock,"

Mickey's Gone For a Laborer        "Being out of work it was no fun,"

The Hod-Carrier's Song        "I am a bold Hodman, I live by my trade"

Paddy on the Canal        "When I landed in sweet Philadelphia, the weather was pleasant and clear"

A New Song on the Irishmen Now Going to America        When we came to sweet Philadelphia, it happened to be in the fall,"

Charley Hill's Old Slope        "Come all ye true Irishmen wherever you may be,"

A Tramp Through Carbon County        "If you give me your attention, I will give it to you back,"

Mickey Pick-Slate        "There came to this country a short time ago,"

Irishman's Lumber Song        "I am a wild Irishman just lately come to town"

Mick Upon The Railroad        "When furst from Limerick I come here,"

Pat Works on the Erie        "In eighteen hundred and forty one"

Poor Paddy        "In eighteen-hundred and sixty-one"

Paddy Works on the Railway        "Oh, in eighteen hundred and forty one"

The Arkansas Navvy        "Come Listen to my story and I'll tell you in my chant"

Jerry, Go Oil The Car        "Come, all you railroad section hands, I hope you will draw near,"

Two Irish Laborers        "We are two Irish Laborers, as you can plainly see,"

Lines Written on the Most Dreadful Fire That Broke Out in Chicago in America         "You simpathising Christian I pray you listen unto me"

The Glorious Victory of Seven Irishmen Over the Kidnappers of New York        "All you that love the Shamrock Green attend both young & old"

The Bonny Green Flag        "There was a glorious times, on St. Patrick's Day,"

St. Patrick's Day in New York        "Come, all you true bred Irishmen, wherever you may be,"

Chapter 9 – The Stage Irishman

Title - First Line

The Brogue        "When I came to this country 'twas late in the fall,"

Buttermilk and Praties        "Ye may talk about your suppers grand,"

Cincinnati, O-Ho-O        "Oh, good evening, one and all,"

The Donevans        "We came from dear old Ireland,"

Emigrants        "Now here I am a Munster boy, from Ennis all the way;"

Erin's Isle        "Here I am, an Irish Lad, that you can plainly see,"

Good-Bye Johnny        "Just twenty years ago to-day,"

How Paddy Stole the Rope        "There was once two Irish laboring men, to America they came over,"

Innocent Mike        "I am a wandering Irishman, they call me Innocent Mike,"

The Irish Emigrants        "We are two Irish Emigrants, as you may plainly see,"

I Think of Old Ireland, Wherever I Go        "I'm a wanderer now from the land of my birth,"

Jolly Irishmen        "I am a jolly Irishman, from Ireland sure I came;"

Lament of an Irish Mother        "Ah! little did I think my boy"

Larry Morgan, or The California Emigrant        "God save you all, I'm home at last; this minute afther landing,"

The Maguire's        "Sure we're the boys from County Clare,"

Off to Philadelphia        "My name is Paddy Leary,"

Ould Irish Stew        "I've travel'd across the wide ocean,"

Over There In Ireland        "Over there in Ireland"

Paddy Miles        "From the big town of Limerick lately I came,"

Paddy Miles's Boy        "When I was born in Limerick, my daddy and my mammy, O!"

Paddy's Trip to America        "I left my native shore last May,"

Pat McCarty        "Och, my name is Pat McCarty,"

The Poor Oppressed in Ireland        "Dear isle of fame and beauty, thy shores have long been trod"

The Ship That Brought Me Over        "I left ould Ireland far behind"

Since Terry First Joined The Gang        "My name is Mike Slattery,"

Soap Fat Man        "Och I am a grate Irishman, from Cork I have came,"

Sold, Sold Everywhere        "Oh, I am an Irishman,"

Teddy McGlynn        "I left me ould mother wid one little brother,"

Tim Flaherty        "I'm a light hearted Paddy,"

The Two O'Donahues        "we came from Tipperary a few short weeks ago,"

Just Over        "I came from Tipperary,"

Wild Irishman        "When first I arrived n America's town,"

Chapter 10 – Nostalgia for and Return to Ireland

Title - First Line

Erin is My Home        "Oh, I have roamed in many lands"

My Good Ould Irish Home        "Och my heart still yearns for my good ould Irish home,"

Galway Bay        "'Tis far away I am today"

The Old Bog Road        "My feet are here on Broadway this blessed harvest moon,"

The Irish Emigrant in North America        "My heart is heavy in my breast-my eyes full of tears,"

Dear Old Ireland        "Deep in the Canadian woods we've met, from one bright island flown;"

The Fair Hills Of Eire O!        "Take a blessing from my heart to the land of my birth,"

Dawn on the Hills of Ireland        "Th'anam an Dhia! But there it is-"

The Irish Peasant Girl        "She lived beside the Anner,"

A New Song Entitled The Emigrant's Love For His Native Land        "There is a little spot on Earth,"

The Irish Emigrant or I Left Ould Ireland Because They Were Poor!        "There is a dear spot in Ireland I'm longing to see,"

Homeward Once More        "The morning was bright and the sun shone on"

The Felon's Return to His Native Land        "Thrice hail lovely Erin, the land of my sire,"

Answer to Pat Must Emigrate        "I've just landed from America with cash in store galore, sir,"

Noreen Bawn        "There's a spot in old Tir Conaill,"

The Emigrant's Return        "I'm home again! I'm home again!"

The Irish American        "Columbia the free is the land of my birth,"