The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82690   Message #1530196
Posted By: Alio
28-Jul-05 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: Saddleworth Festival 2005
Subject: RE: Saddleworth Festival
NEWS RE 2006!!!!

Just in case you're thinking of coming next year, we've unfortunately had to move dates!!!!

Our dear friends at the Civic Hall - our main venue - have decided to let the Hall out for a wedding! They don't see us as "annual" as we've only been there 8 years!!

We put next year's dates in the programme as July 21st to 23rd - unfortunately that clashes with Warwick, which means that we couldn't have Moor and Coast or most of our wonderful stewards (plus probably loads of festival-goesrs).

So just for 1 year we're having a radically different date, which we know will still clash with some festivals, but then they all do, don't they? We're now having Saddleworth 2006 on the weekend of July 28th to 30th.

Our committee would be really grateful if you could pass the word around for us!!!

Love, Ali