The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83289   Message #1530378
Posted By: Bill D
28-Jul-05 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: GOD and the SPIDER...
Subject: RE: BS: GOD and the SPIDER...
"...athiests don't believe in God. Close, but not quite right. Atheists believe there is no god."

funny, though I have 'not believed that there is a god' for the last 40+ years. I have never liked adopting the 'atheist' label, though I'm sure I'd be lumped in that group by most. I have just not seen any evidence of any 'supreme creative force' that can be defined or requires being recognized. Personally, I see no reason to even HAVE any 'ultimate explanation for the just **IS**.
   Notions like Little Hawk's may...or may NOT.. be true...but they are so all encompassing as to be useful mostly as metaphorical poetry. At least THOSE notions do not usually cause people to start wars to defend them. tarheel's though, I'm afraid, is one of the forms which often demands obedience to its particular format and denies others, threatening eternal torment for unbelievers. THIS form of belief is what I prefer not to see 'pushed' in threads at Mudcat.
   I have no quarrel with those who mention their religious beliefs, or even who refer to them in certain contexts...but starting a thread merely to proselytize, even for a pretty parable, is not good form. I wish I knew how to get that simple thought across to certain folk.