The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83310   Message #1530587
Posted By: JohnInKansas
28-Jul-05 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Subject: RE: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Doc has made fairly regular appearances at the Walnut Valley (Winfield, KS) festival, and was having them billed as "Farewell Performances" and "Last and Final Appearance" at least 7 or 8 years ago. (It may have been 10 or 12 years ago.)

He's been back since, but it's obvious you've gotta hear him if you get the chance. NOW!

He's one of the few performers for whom we'll buy the CD - even at list price, when we spot a new one. (Without even looking to see what songs are on it.)
