The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83304 Message #1530612
Posted By: freightdawg
28-Jul-05 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Who Actually Wrote City of New Orleans?
Subject: RE: Who Actually Wrote City of New Orleans?
I have here, between my dirty little paws, the LP where CW McCall recorded CONO. The album is "C.W. McCall & Co.", Polydor Records. He takes a very subdued, wistful approach to the song, not quite a whisper but not the robust "Convoy" or "Wolf Creek Pass" type song fer sure.
And there, in living color, is the attribution to Steve Goodman.
For the ultimate in the soft side of Bill Fries (aka CW McCall) check out "Roses For Mama". Just make sure you have a big box of tissues close by.