The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83304 Message #1530739
Posted By: GUEST,Bryan Bowers
28-Jul-05 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: Who Actually Wrote City of New Orleans?
Subject: Corrections to the Digital Tradition
"The moral of this story is:
Don't believe everything you see on the Internet!
(except here at Mudcat, of course.)
Lyrics sites are especially prone to this particular kind of misinformation. People associate songs with recording artists, and anyone can listen, transcribe, and submit the lyrics of a song under the name of their favorite performer without ever considering that someone else might have actually written the damn thing."
You can't always trust Mudcat. I once recorded Tommy Thompson's beautiful song, "Hot Buttered Rum" and the Digital Tradition credited me for writing it. I sent many, many emails asking that it be changed over a period of several YEARS. They were always ignored. I was particularly concerned because Tommy was so ill in his last years. Finally, it was corrected. But it was too late to make much difference. Tommy had died.
Hi, Bryan- We had the discussion of "Hot Buttered Rum" in the 2001 thread titled Correct the Digital Tradition, and I'm sorry it took so long for the corrections to be made. As a result of that discussion, we have changed things so that we can make immediate corrections to glaring mistakes in the Digital Tradition (contact me, if needed - but only if the mistake is really serious, like the mistake Bryan was concerned about). Unfortunately, this does NOT make changes in the base version of the Digital Tradition, which is a text file. There are a number of reasons for this - it's a problem we're still trying to work out and balance conflicting priorities. The usual way to submit corrections to the Digital Tradition is to explain it fully in a new thread or (preferably) an existing thread on the song - and to post a short explanation of the correction in our DT Corrections/Attributions PermaThread - you can always find this thread by putting attrib in the filter and setting the age back. -Joe Offer-
Say, I certainly enjoyed the house concert you did a few months ago at Ray Frank's in Davis, California.