The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83273   Message #1530781
Posted By: gnu
28-Jul-05 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
Subject: RE: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
Shameless? Yup... but I have more humilty than you, apparently.

What's broke? Apparently, your head. You just had a thread where Max bashing was encouraged and you never took the time to talk to the man.

What are we payin' fer? Read the threads.

Me, nuts? What's new? Read the threads?

Now... a Friggin Nutball??? Them's fightin words. I don't really expect you to read the threads, might take too long long with your limited intelligence. So let me repeat something that I said previously on one o' them thar threads, lick my nuts.

AND... I mean that, ya fuckin hillbilly. Ya think yer cute? Yer not cute. Ye're a ignorant cheap fuck. A dollar... one dollar. And ye're callin me names? I thought you were a pretty cool guy... now I see different. Kinda makes me sad.

Why don't ya go crawl back under yer own thread? If you can crawl that low.

Jaysus.... NNWW.