The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83273   Message #1530790
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jul-05 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
Subject: RE: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
Now, now, now...

That was purdy danged low there, gnu, you know callin' me all them mean names an' all but...

Hey, when I started my thread it weren't 'sposed to be no Max bashin' thing... I ain't never siad nuthin' but good stuff 'bout Max... I lokes Max jus' fine... I don't played blues wid him and he is a fine feller... I evern said that in my thread...

But some folks come along in a thread where I was jus' askin' like ahhhhh, what's up and jump on Max and now Iz some kinda evil Max-jumper-on'er....

Well, yeah, I am guilty of not readin' every danged post on every danged thread that get's posted on Mudcat and maybe someone has answered the original question as to why the joint was all oof a sudden crashin' dialy. Maybe it never has been answered, I don't know... All I know is that I asked the qiestion and all I got was a lot of *noise* and *testimoninals* but no answers...

This ain't about money 'cause Iz sent monry to Mudcat in the past and if someone had come on here and said that AB & C are the problem and we need money then I'd send money again...

Contrary to yer opinion of me, gnu, I ain't no free-loader...

An' I ain't no ignorant hillbilly either... Hey, I asked a simple question and got back not one answer other than Max is a good guy, which I allready know????

Like where's the ignorance here???

And like, Part B, nevermind....

