The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1530814
Posted By: Azizi
28-Jul-05 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
INHO, this thread should not become "Beardedbruce vs Bobert" or "Bobert vs Beardedbruce".

Rove is the individual who is-for now-center stage in this national 'gate'.

And it seems to me that the actions that have occurred and may have occurred [and continue to occur??] are of the utmost importance to USA national security: using tainted information to promote a preemptive war; outing a covert agent whose husband wrote an editorial that spoke against the war; passing around a top secret memo; possible lying to the Grand Jury, and possible conspiracy to cover-up wrong doing.

Even if we [Mudcatters] can't "all get along", could we please try hard to stay on-topic in this thread?

And if you guys must carry on your personal dispute about who said what when about racism or whatever else that doesn't specifically refer to Rove and his buddies, perhaps it would be best if you do so by PMing each other.

This is just a suggestion of course....
