The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83273   Message #1530858
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jul-05 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
Subject: RE: BS: Yes, I am nuts... apparently.
Well, gol danged, gnu.... First of all I hope this thread has lots o' folks writtin' one-buck-checks to Mudcat 'cause I ain't gonna go on wid much more fuedin' wid my pal, gnu, but since there ain't been no out-pourin' of one-buck-checks showin up in Max's mailbox, ahhhh, what the heck...

Ahhhh, gnu,

Did you say that I said you was a "nutball"... Geeze, sorry I meant to say that yer mama was a nutball!!!

(Ahhhhh, make them one-buck-checks payable to "Mudcat", please... An' if you wanta sent several of them, ya might wanta send 'u all in one envelope to save postage...")

Okay, like what's ya call a hunnerd gnu's on the moon???

Give up?

A problem..


So what do you call *all* the gnu's on the mooon...

Give up?

The solution!!!!

(Send money...)
