The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83304 Message #1530914
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
29-Jul-05 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: Who Actually Wrote City of New Orleans?
Subject: RE: Who Actually Wrote City of New Orleans?
Stevie was an old friend of ours. He wrote that song!! No two ways about it!
Arlo was working the Quiet Knight folk club in Chicago, 3 blocks from where Carol and I were living then. Richard Harding, owner of that club, convinced Arlo, late one night right before closing, to listen to this fellow's song. Well, Arlo grudgingly listened. He loved it. Recorded it. (But strangely changed the tune on one line.)--- And the rest is history.
If you'd like to know some of that history, please read the thread I will resurrect soon called WHO IS STEVE GOODMAN.