The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83207   Message #1531003
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
29-Jul-05 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: Hi Max: Personal edit button?
Subject: RE: Hi Max: Personal edit button?
Dunno about "just jokin'", John. I really should see an optician. I'm OK on this computer but reading a book is another matter, especially in poor light. I've taken to using a discarded pair or reading glasses for some things, eg. I was trying to solder a couple of components on some 0.1" strip board. I couldn't see what I was doing without them... I'm guessing it could just be the standard "old age deteriation" but I'm a bit worried that light seems to play such a part and my night vision driving a car with headlamps coming towards me is noy as good as it was - have been wondering what a cateract would cause...

Onto the use of terms, I have seen the other end of the scale where we just used single letters for the action required. Not too bad until you find one programmer has decided D stands for Display and another on the same system that D stands for Delete...