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Thread #56348   Message #1531225
Posted By: freda underhill
29-Jul-05 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: How to End Racism
Subject: RE: How to End Racism
Racial fear banished by closer contact; By Deborah Smith Science Editor July 30, 2005, sydney morning herald

By treating men and women like Pavlov's dogs, and giving them electric shocks while they looked at pictures of black and white men, researchers have unravelled our innate and learnt reactions to race.
We have evolved to fear people from a different group to our own, in the same way they we fear spiders and snakes, it was found. But close contact can help counter this inherent fear.

Arne Ohman, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, said the findings were important in an age of terrorism, when worries about the threat from "evil others" loomed large in the minds of many. "To help cope with this situation we need a scientific understanding of the emotional dynamics of intergroup conflicts." Recognising that humans were prone to fearing, avoiding and demonising people outside their own group, but that close contact could reduce this effect, might help combat the development of "emotionally charged stereotypes" that fed the fear, Dr Ohman said.

The notion that some primeval fears have become hard-wired in humans during millions of years of evolution is suggested by the fact that people tend to hate creepy-crawly insects, yet don't fear cars, which kill a lot more people. For the latest study, which was published yesterday in the journal Science, young black and white Americans living in New York were given electric shocks when they looked at pictures of spiders, snakes, birds, butterflies and black and white faces with neutral expressions. Like Pavlov's dogs, which learnt to salivate at the sound of a bell, they developed a fear of all these creatures.

When the electric shocks were stopped, people's fear of birds, butterflies and faces the same colour as their own quickly vanished, but they remained scared of snakes, spiders and faces of a different race. Humans have only evolved into distinct races in the past 100,000 years. Like a car, this was too recent for a fear of race per se to have evolved, the researchers said. Rather, humans would have evolved a fear of outsiders. Attitudes to race were then learnt and imposed on top of this.

The study also found that those who had dated people from the other race let go of their fears of these people more easily, once the electric shocks were stopped. "The optimistic news is that this predisposition to fear members of another race may be changed by close personal contact," said Mahzarin Banaji, a member of the research team at Harvard University.

"We are products of our evolutionary history and our immediate social environment. The former we don't control, the latter we certainly do."