The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83360   Message #1531708
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
30-Jul-05 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations Lady Penelope and Parker
Subject: BS: Congratulations Lady Penelope and Parker
I'm pleased to announce to the world (and probably really annoy them) that Lady Penelope and her Parker have made it official. Yesterday morning, I was proud and honoured (if a little surprised) to act as witness to their marriage.

They've actually been together for nearly 2 decades so it came as a great relief to several parents and other relatives.

The bride looked wonderful in a tasteful dark green and black dress, with silver jewellery, the groom was equally splendid in a black and white ensemble.

Congratulations Lady Penelope and Parker... and thank you for allowing me to share in your special day.