The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56348   Message #1531839
Posted By: Bobert
30-Jul-05 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: How to End Racism
Subject: RE: How to End Racism
I don't see pushin' diversity as the wrong thing to be doin'... Quite the opposite... We've seen the alternative and it wasn't very pretty!!!

Yeah, I hear a lot of white folks sayin' the same thing... "Awww, lets just move on, nuthin' to see here..." But5, there is something to see here and that is that black folks have been playin' on an unlevel palyin' field going back a long, long time... Yeah, go to any city in the United Sate4s and you can find ghettoes of predominant6ly black folks who have been coraled up into housin' projects with kids livin' like kids live in 3rd World countries!!!

Don't believe me? Go check it out fir yerself 'er come to Washington, D.C. for a personalized Bobert tour...

Yeah, it sure is nice fir white folks to throw up their arms and say "Hey, I ain't responsible fir this. Why should I care 'bout what my grand-daddy did?"....

Well, fir one, those of you who might have that opinion, you are living in a country whose wealth was created disporportionately on the backs of black slaves and descendents of slaves. You were not there to create this infastrcture or this wealth but you were lucky enough to be born to a family who has benefited form it. You are a benefactor and being so you *owe* something to the folks who weren't as lucky as you to be born into "white" families...

And secondly, or is it thirdly, acceptin' a collective responsiblity fir the past is the least that a country that has been built on the backs of slaves and descendats of slaves, can go a long way toward a healing/repairation process that is so long, long overdue...
