The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83360   Message #1532145
Posted By: lady penelope
31-Jul-05 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations Lady Penelope and Parker
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations Lady Penelope and Parker
Thank you for your kind words, even Amos who doesn't think I exist :) (actually, you're not alone Amos, there are quite a few people that don't believe I exist and some who wish I didn't, but there you go....)

Parker and I have been together for 16 years and finally decided that we quite liked each other, so what the hey....? My father did express his dissaproval at "these long engagements" but was more than happy when we told him he didn't have to pay for the reception.......

TTFN Lady P.