The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16060   Message #153252
Posted By: JamesJimFolk
23-Dec-99 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: The funniest song you have ever heard!
"WALTZING WITH BEARS" comes to mind (a Doctor Seuss song)

First verse:
"I went to his room in the middle of the night,
Crept to his bed and I turned on the light,
And to my surprise, he was no where in sight,
My Uncle Walter goes waltzing at night.

He goes wa-wa-wa-waltzing, waltzing with bears
Raggy bears, baggy bears, shaggy bears too
There's nothing on earth Uncle Walter won't do
So he can go waltzing, wa-wa-wa-waltzing
Wa-wa-wa-waltzing, go waltzing with bears

We bought Uncle Walter a new coat to wear,
But when he came home it was covered with hair.
And lately I've noticed several new tears;
I'm afraid Uncle Walter's been waltzing with bears.

We told Uncle Walter he should be good
And do all the things we said that he should.
But I know that he'd rather be out in the woods;
I'm afraid we will lose Uncle Walter for good.

We begged and we pleaded, Please won't you stay
And managed to keep him at home for a day.
But the bears all barged in and they took him away;
Now he's dancing with pandas
And he won't understand us
And the bears all demand at least one dance a day.

A verse a friend and myself added this verse and Chorus:

We told Uncle Walter it just wasn't right,
But he kept on insisting, "come with me tonight."
So we finally went with him and boy, what a ball;
We discovered old Walter's not crazy at all!

Revised Chorus:

Now we all go wa-wa-wa-waltzing, waltzing with bears
Raggy bears, baggy bears, shaggy bears too.
There's nothing on earth that we wouldn't do;
So we can go waltzing, wa-wa-wa-waltzing,
Wa-wa-wa-waltzing, go waltzing with bears.

Fun song to sing!

HTML line breaks added --JoeClone, 1-Dec-01.