The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56348   Message #1532611
Posted By: Shakey
01-Aug-05 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: How to End Racism
Subject: RE: How to End Racism
Well it sounds good Freda but let's have a look more closely.

I work in an area that liaises with people of different ethnic backgrounds, to respond to racist attacks against them, to work constructively in tense situations, and to brief politicians on issues effecting people of different backgrounds.

I trust when you write effecting people of different backgrounds you include the indegenous population, or are their concerns not legitimate?

People who are explaining should never be accepted, um, interesting viewpoint, you don't write people who are attacking, you use the explaining and then dismiss it.

divide rather rather than heal I wasn't aware that heal was the opposite of divide, what the heck, let's go with it. If a doctor wants to heal someone he generally, one would hope, examines what is wrong before he attempts to prescribe a course of action.

What worries me with your post, as with many of the posts here, is the assumption that certain topics are off limits. They are not.
Elseware on this board I have indicated many times that we should not attack all muslims, it's simply wrong, but that does not mean that we shouldn't discuss the fact that Islam has a problem, don't believe me, read this weeks reports from the Algerian press, the Egyptian press, Al Jazeera (sp?) etc.

I think we should discuss such things, if ignorant bigotted scum want to make racist remarks I will support you in opposing it 100% but if they have something real to say on the matter that's fine.