The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56348   Message #1532790
Posted By: GUEST,David Hannam
01-Aug-05 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: How to End Racism
Subject: RE: How to End Racism
"The bible absolutely contains passages as horrific as the ones you have posted. I don't currently have a bible in my possession, so I can't put them here right now. I'll see if I can find some for you online"

yes, please find them thank you.

"And there are equally horrific things being done to women and others by some members of the other major monotheistic religions as well"

Yes, but considering Christianity is the largest religion in the world, we certainly don't seem to have the problems that Islam encounters. I understand there are a million Muslims, and there are 2 Million Christians, but we are not terrorizing people by suicide bombings. I am not blaming all Muslims, that would be silly, i know Muslims myself who utterly condemn the kind of extremism, i simply think Muslim leaders should accept that they have a problem. A religion that promises eternal heaven in reward for murder is simply not good. Thus the Koran, as the bible was, should be reviewed and alterted to meet the modern worlds needs and tolerance. Tolerance for peoples, (women especially) and nations, that are different, and differ in path from their scriptures.

Also, i realise that other monotheistic religions inflict sufferings on women too, but what i am saying, is that when you are looking at the second largest faith in the world, and that faith still expouses utter intolerance and hatred for other peoples and women still are punished by death and stoning for the smallest of details, then it becomes a different matter.