The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80687   Message #1533034
Posted By: Bobert
01-Aug-05 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: John Bolton, Raging Un-Diplomat
Subject: RE: BS: John Bolton, Raging Un-Diplomat
Yup, purdy much says it all, Amos...

What a flamin' assh*ole, John Bolton is... I'd love to see his Mercedes break down up in Northeast, D.C. and try some of his sticht on the folks up there...

He is the worst jerk that Bush has ever appointed... He belongs in a mental hospital, not the UN.... He makes Condi Rice Look like Mother Teresa...

As a hard workin', taxpayin' American I am both outrages and embarrassed...

Heck, Charles Manson would have been a better pick....

Talk about Helter Slelter....

Geeze... Just how low can the US go????
