The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56348   Message #1533433
Posted By: CarolC
02-Aug-05 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: How to End Racism
Subject: RE: How to End Racism
Care to mention of these Christian Churches? Though i dare say there are a few no doubt about it, however, on the scale of comparison to islam, it is insignificant.

The Southern Baptist Church in the US. The Mormon Church. Many small independant fundamentalist churches in the US. The Catholic Church.

I know, there are indeed many Muslim women who choose, or are lucky enough to not have to wear veils, however, in western society, whatever a womans choice, it is not punishable by having acid thrown on your face or being stoned to death!

There are many Muslim women who, when they don't wear the veil or the hijab, do not have to worry about having acid thrown on their faces or being stoned to death. That is a problem in some places, but hardly all of them. And there are other religions besides Islam in which women are punished with similar cruelty for not doing what they are told. Many Hindu women in India, for instance, are maimed, disfigured, and killed for not doing as they are told.

Islam, however badly you would like to make it out to be a monolithic entity in which the same conditions exist everywhere in the world for all Muslims, simply is not that way, any more than the Christian religion or any other religion is. There are many different levels of liberalism and fundamentalism within Islam, just as there are within Christianity and probably all other religions. Your broad, sweeping generalizations are just that... broad, sweeping generalizations. They do not in any way resemble the truth.