The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16177   Message #153433
Posted By: TerriM
23-Dec-99 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: I've just hung the Mistletoe at Mudcat!
Subject: RE: I've just hung the Mistletoe at Mudcat!
Leave the celery, just varnish it. Emily, don't listen to Micca, he's a fearful wine snob! (oh, yes you are!)We use whatever is cheap and just add more sugar if it's a little tannic. And he probably did mean a tot per serving, he usually does. I've been stood hopefully under this misletoe for days now, not that I'm hinting or anything you understand... it's just that some people get kisses and some people don't, if you see what I mean and ...., well, there's always next year, I suppose.