The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75292   Message #1534561
Posted By: TIA
03-Aug-05 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
There has been HONEST study of the problem. It is CLEARLY not due in any significant way to recent volcanic activity. There is widespread (essentially unanimous) agreement among scientists that man's activites have contributed significantly to global warming. Fox and the Bush administration have scoured the globe for people with a hint of credentials to dispute this, but for each semi-pseudo-scientist they can trot out (e.g. Fox interviewed an MD the other morning...shall I have a climatologist take my tonsils out?), there are thousands of scientists who agree.

No one has claimed that ALL warming is due to man. But everyone HONEST scientist agrees that man's activities are causing major climate changes with as-yet unknown consequences. Shall we just wait and see how bad it gets?

Yes, sea level has risen significantly since the Wisconsinan glaciation. But before we use that fact to make a politically-motivated "see its natural and no big deal argument", perhaps we should compare human populations (both number and distribution), lifestyles, and infrastructure between today and 18,000 years ago. Also, you might want to compare the modern and early Holocene RATES of warming and sea level rise.