The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83465   Message #1534606
Posted By: Mark Cohen
04-Aug-05 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Sen. Joe McCarthy
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sen. Joe McCarthy
His colleague, Sen. Thomas Dodd of Connecticut, former chair of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (father of the incumbent Chris Dodd), did make it into a song, by Phil Ochs:

Well, I'm just a typical American boy
From a typical American town
I believe in God and Senator Dodd
And keeping old Castro down.

Dodd was a rabid anti-Communist, but also a major supporter of civil rights legislation. And I believe he first made a name for himself as a zealous prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials. So much for simplification.

Maybe Joe was lucky that his name was hard to rhyme...
