The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83465   Message #1534611
Posted By: Kaleea
04-Aug-05 - 01:09 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Sen. Joe McCarthy
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sen. Joe McCarthy
As a teen, I recall the john belch society (I didn't use naughty words then) in a booth each year at the Tulsa State Fair.         
Scary Monster!!!!!
   As a church Musician, I have also participated in & provided Music for most every flavor (denomination) of church you can think of, & some you've probably never heard of. As a Musician who believes in Ecumenical groups standing together in the cause of Peace, I sung/played in serviced which many would classify under religion as "other."   
OH, I dunno. Something about that Bill of Rights that says not only do I have Freedom of Religion, but so does everyone else around these parts. Too bad more folks don't think of it that way.